To update a client’s details
Search for and select the client you wish to edit
At the bottom of the client’s overview select Edit client
Edit the relevant fields and select Finish when complete
Further actions
As well as updating the client’s details, when you select Edit client you can:
Update their status as an Active or Inactive client
Send an invitation email for the client to provide their details
Print out the client’s information (not their records)
Permanently remove them from your account
NOTE: You can do the above actions by selecting the Actions button with three dots in the bottom-right of the edit client page.
Deleting clients
Once a client has been deleted their information cannot be recovered. Consider changing a client’s status to inactive instead of deleting the client.
You will not be able to delete clients that have signed records. Signed records must be removed one at a time before you can delete the client.
Not all users have the ability to delete information. Check with your administrator if you cannot access the delete function and they can grant you that permission or delete the client for you.
To delete a client
Search for and select the client you wish to edit
At the bottom of the client’s overview select Edit client
At the bottom of the page, click on the three dots
Select Delete and click yes on the pop-up