Noted integrates with the Ministry of Health’s PRIMHD portal to provide automated PRIMHD reporting that saves time and keeps this process simple.
Note: This feature is for registered PRIMHD approved organisations in New Zealand.
Creating a PRIMHD referral
Before you can start creating PRIMHD records for new clients you must record their referral into your service.
Search for or Add the client and navigate to their records screen
From the Records dropdown menu above the client’s list of records select PRIMHD referrals
Click Create referral, add the necessary details then click Save when finished
Tip: The referral codes available can be updated in Administration.
Note: End date is only filled in when the client is discharged from your service.
When a client stops receiving service
When the time comes for a client to stop receiving your service, you need to record their outgoing referral code in the same way you recorded the incoming referral.
Search for the client and navigate to their record’s screen
From the Records dropdown menu above the client’s list of records select PRIMHD referrals
Click Edit on the top-right of the previously entered referral form. The information originally entered will be included in your new entry
Leave the pre-populated information and enter the end date (when your client finished receiving your service) and select the appropriate outgoing referral code
Click Save when finished
Updating referral for return to service
If a discharged client returns to receive your service in the future, you can create a new PRIMHD referral for them in the same way as above. Click Create referral, enter the necessary details and click Save when finished.
Creating PRIMHD records
A new client record requires specific details before being ready for submission to PRIMHD.
There are a total of four PRIMHD record types, each with different information required. The fields presented when you select a record type all need to have information entered unless indicated otherwise.
Create a new record or edit an existing record that hasn’t yet been signed
Toggle on PRIMHD, then enter the required information using the provided dropdown menus and text fields
Fill in your client record as usual
When finished click Save and review
If you are satisfied that the record is complete, sign the record by clicking Sign
Note: If the PRIMHD details are not complete you will not be able to sign the record
Once completed and signed, PRIMHD records will populate a Pending list within PRIMHD reporting, outlined below.
PRIMHD reporting area of Noted
PRIMHD reports are submitted to the Ministry of Health directly between Noted and its PRIMHD portal. Once created and completed, records are compiled in a pending list of records which is automatically submitted on the 19th of each month.
PRIMHD Referrals can be submitted or corrected for errors in the PRIMHD Section via the Switcher; however, this is only available to users with the role "Can submit PRIMHD Reporting" turned on. There are two parts to this screen, the Referrals screen and the Records screen
Dashbard PRIMHD Widget
You can now add a widget specifically for workers dealing with PRIMHD so they can see how many records/referrals with errors they have, making it easier for everyone to submit PRIMHD records and referrals.
This widget can be added specifically for users who deal with PRIMHD and done so by organisation administrators
On this screen, the user can open and edit a referral that needs their attention
To add this widget to the user's screen:
Go to the administration area
Click on roles and create a role named "PRIMHD User"
Toggle on the feature that says PRIMHD
Click save to confirm changes