Teams allows you to group together your users to reflect the type of services they provide. These teams can then be used to inform record, group and whānau access, as well as which tracking forms and client tags are available to them.
Note: You can assign access control rules when creating or editing both client and session records. You can also assign a team to a group or whānau which then restricts other users’ access to those.To find out more about this read Applying access rules and overriding access.
Creating Teams
Navigate to Administration using the Switcher and select Teams from the menu
Click Create team
Add a name and appropriate description then click save to continue
Select the appropriate record visibility
Assign a formset to the team
Assign users to the team and indicate which users are supervisors, granting those users access to Team Administration
Sensitive Team record visibility
The sensitive teams tool is designed for services of a highly sensitive nature. This not only ensures restricted access to record content, but also restricts the knowledge that the record exists in the first place.
Selecting “Everyone” will result in all users in your organisation being able to see that a record exists along with the author of that record. Users may not be able to access the full record content if there are other access rules applied to the record.
Selecting “Team members only” will hide the record’s existence from anyone outside of this team. Team members will see the record exists, but may not be able to access the full record content if there are other access rules applied to the record.
By selecting “Assigned team worker”, any records created by this team will only be visible to the author, or owner of the record.
Team administration
This is particularly useful if team visibility is set to “Assigned team worker” (above) and a team member leaves or changes team.
To ensure the records created are appropriately accessible by a member of the team, a team supervisor can bulk reassign record ownership from one user to another within a team
To do this:
From your dashboard in Noted, select Team Administration on the left
Select the relevant Team from the dropdown in the top-right corner
Select which worker you are reassigning from and who you are assigning them to
After selecting Reassign, you will have the option to select if you are wanting to reassign records from All Clients, or a Specific Client
Once selected, confirm that you understand this action is not reversible
You can then Confirm Reassignment
Editing and deleting Teams
Sometimes it is necessary to delete Teams you no longer use, or are no longer relevant to the organisation.
Before deleting a team, it is important to understand the implications of doing this.
Deleting a team will lift all access control restrictions on records that were created under that team, making those records accessible and visible to everyone within the organisation. This action is not reversible. To re-apply the same access controls, this will need to be done manually by the creator of the record individually. This cannot be done in bulk by customers. Should the number of records needing these restrictions be too great and time-consuming for our customers to do themselves, our development team may be able to do this for them, however, this will be a chargeable service.
To delete a team:
Navigate to Administration using the Switcher and select Teams from the menu
Select the team you wish to make changes to
Click Edit to the right of the name and description to edit these then click Update to save any changes
Update the record visibility, change the formset, and add or remove users. Changes will be saved as you make them.
To delete the team, enter the team name and select Delete to confirm
Note: Users will still be able to grant other users and teams access to records if they have been assigned to a role that has that privilege. Learn more about roles and privileges here.
As well as defining record access, teams can also be set up to reflect the tracking forms and tags required by particular users and their role.