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Team-based Client Access

Team-based client Access (TBCA) provides control over which teams in your organisation can find a client.

Updated over a month ago

To customise team access for a client:

  1. Search for a client or create a client and click on edit client

  2. On the edit client profile page click Team Access

  3. Click the red cross to remove any teams from being able to find the client

  4. If you removed a team by mistake, you can select it again from the drop-down list

TIP: Assistance from an organisation administrator will be needed to add teams you are not a member of.

NOTE: The current teams listed are based on the current user's team membership(s). If the user is a member of the Default team this will also show.

If you can search and find a client, you’ll be able to see them when using Reports or Scheduling too. If you can't search and find a client (because you don't belong to any of the same teams as them) then you can't see them in Reports or Scheduling either.

How TBCA is different from existing access controls

Noted provides ways to limit access to information about clients, such as hiding what’s written inside their records where needed. TBCA is different as it gives a higher level of ability to control what teams can find a client in the app.

General use cases for TBCA

  • Contractors - If your organisation has contractors and only wants them to see the clients they are working directly with

  • Sensitive clients - When a client is being supported by a sensitive or highly confidential service(s), and your organisation does not want the client to be found by workers outside of this service(s)

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