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Managing availability

Easily update the availability of resources

Updated over a month ago

The availability screen shows workers’ regular working hours and when spaces are available or unavailable.

  1. Navigate to Scheduling via the switcher and select availability (clock icon)

  2. Select either Workers or Spaces in the top-left corner

The button on the right of Spaces is the filter button. This is used to customise what is displayed on the Availability screen and in which order.

  • Tick or untick resources in the list to include or remove them from view

  • Click and drag to assort resources top-to-bottom in the order you would like to see them from left to right

Note: You must have at least one resource ticked.

To change the date you’re viewing on the Availability screen

  • Use the arrows displayed on either side of the date, or click on a number from the month calendar view on the right-hand side.

  • To navigate back to today’s date, click This week.

How to manage resource availability

Default working hours for a user will appear as a start and end time in a white box. When a time slot is marked Available, it will appear in blue. When a time slot is marked Unavailable it will appear in grey.

This is the same for the Spaces view: default times will appear in white, Available in blue, and Unavailable in grey.

Note: All the changes made will be reflected in the Booking view.

  1. Navigate to Scheduling via the switcher and select availability (clock icon)

  2. Select either Workers or Spaces in the top-left corner

  3. Select the time slot you wish to update or click and drag to select multiple days

  4. Select Available in the right-hand sidebar and adjust the start and end time as required

  5. To then set this time as being Unavailable choose this option after adjusting the start and end time

  6. Add any further notes such as sick leave or annual leave then click Add to save

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