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Editing required fields

Specify what client information is required

Updated over a month ago

When adding or editing a client's information, some fields are required and you will only be able to save the client or make changes if they have been provided.

  • Consider what information you may want to report on in the future, whether ethnicity, date of birth or contact details, before setting your required fields.

To customise your organisation’s required fields:

  1. Navigate to Administration via the Switcher

  2. Select Client Settings from the menu

  3. Click Required fields on the left. You will be presented with a full list of client information fields

  4. Toggle on and off which fields are to be required for your organisation

  5. Click Save at the bottom of the list to confirm your changes

Note: You will find that Surname is not among the options. This is a compulsory field which cannot be changed.

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